Zelensky: I’ve Lost Count of Putin’s Attempted Assassinations on Me

Volodymyr Zelensky dismisses multiple Russian assassination attempts, likening them to a mere episode of COVID. The leader revealed that Ukraine’s intelligence services thwarted at least “five or six” plots against him. In an exclusive interview, Zelensky emphasized Ukraine’s unwavering determination to overcome Vladimir Putin’s Russia, asserting that there is no stagnation in morale.

He said his people were tired of “permanent air raids,” tired of being shelled, tired of having their homes destroyed and their loved ones killed. But he added: “If you ask them are you willing to give up to Russia, our lands? Are you ready to talk to Russians on how to end all this? Are you ready for compromise, personally, with Putin and are you tired of this?

“They will tell you we are not tired. We are ready to stand further.”

Addressing from his fortified Kyiv headquarters, Zelensky acknowledged losing count of the numerous attempts on his life since Russia initiated a full-scale invasion on February 24 last year.

He said: “The first one is very interesting, when it is the first time, and after that it is just like COVID.

“First of all, people don’t know what to do with it and it’s looking very scary.

“And then after that, it is just intelligence just sharing with you detail that one more group came to Ukraine to [attempt] this.”

Russian special forces parachuted into Kyiv on the inaugural day of Putin’s invasion with the intention of assassinating him. His office was secured by bodyguards using improvised barricades and plywood. Zelensky and his closest aides were equipped with rifles and body armor, turning the office into what was described as a “madhouse.” Despite offers from British and US officials to evacuate him amidst concerns of the capital falling swiftly, Zelensky responded with the iconic words: “I need ammo, not a ride.”

Later, as battles raged outside Kyiv, Zelensky walked outside the compound to film a defiant selfie video that rallied Ukraine’s resistance by proving he was still in the capital.

Almost two years later, Zelensky said Russia still “wants very much” to topple him from power.

He even knows the code name of their latest mission to oust him and its deadline is the end of the year.

He said: “The name of operation is Maidan 3.

“It is meant to change the president. It’s bye-bye.

“Maybe it’s not by killing. I mean it’s changing. They will use any instruments they have.”

He rejected the possibility of holding next year’s scheduled elections, deeming it illegal under martial law, impractical amidst the ongoing war, and potentially divisive at a time when the nation is united in confronting Russia.

While donning his characteristic sweatshirt featuring Ukraine’s trident symbol, he conceded that this year’s counteroffensive did not unfold as successfully as anticipated. Despite a significant counter-offensive, troops advanced merely 10 miles in five months. Zelensky acknowledged that this limited progress has disheartened certain allies who question Ukraine’s ability to oust Russian forces.

And he admitted: “We need more successful results on the battlefield.”

He said: “In the morale, there is no stalemate.

“We are at our home. Russians are on our land. Therefore there is no stalemate in this.

“As regards the sky, there is no stalemate. Russians have more power in that.

“And really, how to move forward when you can’t control the sky?”