Viral Spread of Trump’s Forecast Regarding Biden Allocating $6 Billion to Iran Following Hamas Attack

Former President Donald Trump issued a cautionary statement last month, expressing concerns about potential Middle East terror incidents following President Joe Biden’s release of $6 billion in frozen oil revenues to Iran. Saturday’s attacks now appear to validate that apprehension.

“[One] month ago Trump predicted the $6 Billion that Biden gave Iran would be used for terror attacks across the Middle East and specifically kidnapping,” conservative Jack Posobiec posted on X, which included a screenshot of Trump’s prediction from Truth Social. “This is exactly what we are seeing in Israel this morning.”

Following Hamas’ unexpected assault on Israel, which involved rocket attacks on both Israeli military personnel and civilians and the abduction and murder of Israeli individuals, this prediction gained prominence across various platforms.

Hamas, an Islamic extremist organization partially backed by Iran, initiated this assault on a significant religious holiday, Simchat Torah, and on Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest observed by many in Israel.

In early September, President Biden authorized the release of $6 billion to Iran, as part of an agreement securing the freedom of five American detainees who had been held captive in Iran for an extended period.

Trump’s post, which was published on September 11, said, “Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money [will] be used for terrorism all over the Middle East, and, indeed, the World. This incompetent FOOL is absolutely destroying America. He had the audacity to announce this terrible deal today, September 11th.”

“To pay for hostages will lead to kidnapping, ransom, and blackmail against Americans across the globe,” Trump added. “I freed many dozens of our people from various unfriendly countries and never paid a dime!”

Many others referenced Trump in the aftermath of the attacks on Israel. Radio host and author Mark Levin highlighted the Abraham Accords, a peace initiative initiated by the former president.

“Trump cut off funds to the Palestinians, unleashed unprecedented peace initiatives in the Abraham Accords, killed the Iran deal, was starving the Iranian regime of resources with crushing sanctions, and Biden not only reversed it all, including funding the Palestinians and Iran, but undermined Netanyahu at every turn, refused to meet with him, demanded that Israel make more concessions to the Palestinians,” Levin posted on Truth Social. “Appeasement and worse has consequences.”

Mike Cernovich shared on X, “The reason there are towns in Israel bearing Trump’s name is now clear. Such events wouldn’t occur under his leadership. Trump prioritized the precise elimination of Hamas terrorists and refused to allow the use of Hamas children as human shields. He did not engage in domestic surveillance like the current Biden administration.

In a statement Saturday, Trump said that Hamas’ attack on Israel is a “disgrace,” saying that the country “has every right to defend itself with overwhelming force.”

“Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration,” the statement continued. “We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden whittle it away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible. Here we go again.”

Meanwhile, on Truth Social, Trump criticized Biden in a more direct manner, stating, “Joe Biden’s lack of capability, feebleness, and inadequacy have resulted in this terrible assault on Israel, and unfortunately, it seems it will deteriorate further. Just four years ago, we celebrated the signing of the historic Abraham Accords, and today we witness an attack on Israel. The contrast a President can make is striking!”