Trump Targets Biden and Media Amid Cocaine Discovery at White House During the Weekend

Donald Trump Criticizes Joe Biden and Media Following Cocaine Discovery at White House Over the Weekend

In response to the Secret Service uncovering a bag of cocaine in the White House on Sunday, President Joe Biden faced criticism from Donald Trump.

Hazmat teams identified the white powder as cocaine and its discovery led to the evacuation of the area in the White House frequently visited by staff and guests.

According to a report from BBC News, neither President Biden nor his son Hunter were present when the incident occurred.

Expressing his concern over the situation, the 45th president took aim at the media’s response, drawing a comparison to how similar incidents were covered during his own presidency.

“Had this happened during my administration,” former President Trump said, “the media outrage would have been beyond comprehension.”

Not all conservatives hastily connected the cocaine discovery to the president’s son, who has a well-documented history of drug addiction and abuse.

“Of course, social media starts making fun, bringing up Hunter’s name —  it’s not funny,” Fox Business anchor Cheryl Casone said. “And I think that there’s a lot of cheap shots taken at Hunter Biden.”

“He is a recovering addict,” Casone continued. “Nobody wants to see him regress or slip back into addiction, and I think the social media comments were just tasteless on this whole story.”

Trump also raised doubts about the potential involvement of Special Counsel Jack Smith, raising the question of whether the investigation would reveal any connection between Smith and the cocaine discovery. This speculation regarding Smith’s possible ties to the incident generated heightened concern among conservative audiences.

The former president also highlighted the absence of reported evidence, such as security tapes, that could establish the identity of the individual responsible for bringing the illicit substance into the White House.

The White House expressed confidence in the ongoing Secret Service investigation’s ability to uncover the truth. The Biden family, who were at Camp David when the incident occurred, has not released any statements regarding the matter.

The situation triggered a broader discussion about White House security measures. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) raised questions about the current security protocols and screening processes in place at the White House. The presence of cocaine, a highly addictive Schedule II drug, within the heart of the nation’s government, has become a pressing concern.

The impact of this discovery on public perception of the administration remains uncertain. As investigations continue, the nation eagerly awaits answers to the questions surrounding this unprecedented breach of White House security.