Trump Propagates Bombastic Theory: ‘China Manufactured Covid-19 in Retaliation for My Presidency’

Donald Trump made several strange remarks about the economy and nuclear weapons, but his explanation for the pandemic left voters astounded.

He sensationally asserted that ‘China unleashed Covid on the world’ because they ‘disapproved of his presidency.’

Following a new poll indicating that Kamala Harris is gaining traction, Trump returned to the campaign trail for a town hall event in Flint, Michigan, joined by Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

At 78, he struggled through a ‘painful’ interview on cryptocurrency, frequently trying to steer the conversation elsewhere, and made more unusual comments about the economy and nuclear threats.

However, the most shocking statement came when Trump suggested that the Coronavirus was engineered specifically to target him.

Speaking in Michigan, he said: “We have to call it Covid. What the hell does Covid mean. The China virus.

“A lot of people think they did that because they were not happy with me as president.”

Trump asserted that he “performed exceptionally well” during the pandemic, citing the rise in the stock market as evidence.

“We did a great job, but we never got credit,” he added.

It was a challenging night for Trump, who ironically began speaking incoherently about how he supposedly doesn’t ramble.

Trump then told Huckabee that listeners who can’t connect the dots have a “problem,” adding, “But every dot was connected. Many stories were told in that brief paragraph.”

Addressing the cheering crowd, the former president asserted that no one would attend his rallies if he were a “rambler.”

He acknowledged that while he provides lengthy answers, the key difference between him and Kamala Harris is that his responses are “productive.”

When a MAGA supporter inquired about the biggest threat to Michigan’s automobile manufacturing industry, Trump responded, “We have one major threat…nuclear weapons.”

He then launched into a bizarre tirade about his relationships with dictators, the Biden administration, and climate change.

“We have countries that are hostile to us. They don’t have to be. I got along great with Vladimir Putin, President Xi and Kim Jong Un.

“It’s the single biggest threat to the world. You won’t care about making cars if that stuff starts happening.”