“Trump Criticizes “Deceitful” Ramaswamy as Vivek Holds Back on “Friendly Fire””

Vivek Ramaswamy replied to Donald Trump’s harsh personal criticism, expressing his decision not to engage in “friendly fire” or criticize the ex-president directly. However, he cautioned voters to “open their eyes.”

“Yes, I saw President Trump’s Truth Social post. It’s an unfortunate move by his campaign advisors, I don’t think friendly fire is helpful,” Ramaswamy wrote in a late Saturday X post.

“Donald Trump was the greatest President of the 21st century, and I’m not going to criticize him in response to this late attack,” the biotech multimillionaire continued.

The “America first” campaigner, who has long been complimentary of the former president, defended Trump’s accusations that he was “not MAGA” arguing that he has “defended him at every step.”

“I’m worried for Trump. I’m worried for our country. I’ve stood up against the persecutions against Trump, and I’ve defended him at every step,” Ramaswamy said.

“I showed up at the Miami courthouse in solidarity following his first federal indictment. I filed a FOIA demand to the Biden DOJ. I submitted an amicus brief this week with the U.S. Supreme Court calling on them to overturn Colorado’s ruling,” Ramaswamy continued. “I pledged to remove myself from Maine’s & Colorado’s primary ballots if they remove Trump, calling on DeSantis and Haley to do the same.”

Continuing his statements, Ramaswamy criticized presidential candidate Nikki Haley, labeling her as the left’s “puppet” and urging voters to “open their eyes.”

“But we have to open our eyes. Last time it was a man-made pandemic & Big Tech election interference,” he wrote.

“Now, the same billionaires funding the lawsuits against Trump are the ones trying to prop up Nikki Haley. The same MSM blasting Trump is lavishing praise on Nikki,” Ramaswamy said. “They want to narrow this to a two-horse race between Trump & Haley, eliminate Trump (one way or other), & trot their puppet into the White House.”

“We can’t fall for that trap. 1 year from now, we won’t look back and say we were shocked that it happened. We’ll kick ourselves for not stopping it,” he said.

The presidential candidate from the GOP concluded his reply by asserting that his “America First” movement didn’t originate in 2016 but rather in 1776.

“Our movement must live on. America-First didn’t start in 2016. It started in 1776,” Ramaswamy said. “We owe it to our Founding Fathers to do the right thing for our country. I want to save Trump & to save this country. Let’s do it together.”

“You won’t hear any friendly fire from me,” he said.

In a communication with Fox News Digital, Ramaswamy’s campaign discussed the possibility of Trump being excluded from the presidential ballot.

” Just because it’s wrong doesn’t mean it won’t happen & we owe it to our nation to take America-First forward,” Ramaswamy’s campaign said.

Following direct and public attacks by Trump and his team, Ramaswamy issued a comprehensive statement.

” Vivek started his campaign as a great supporter, ‘the best President in generations,’ etc.,” Trump wrote in a Saturday evening Truth Social post. “Unfortunately, now all he does is disguise his support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks. Very sly.”

Trump said that Vivek is “not MAGA” and encouraged his supporters to not get “duped.”

“A vote for Vivek is a vote for the ‘other side’ — don’t get duped by this. Vote for “TRUMP,” the former president said. “Don’t waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA.”