Trump Criticizes Biden’s Border Policy in Daily Mail Editorial

Former President Donald Trump is not known for being sensitive and gracious to his rivals. This was evident in a recent op-ed published in The Daily Mail, where he criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of multiple issues since taking office in 2021.

The op-ed was particularly critical as both Biden and Trump were visiting cities along the southern border at the time of its publication. This comes amid reports of record crossings and spikes in violent crime affecting American citizens. Recent polls indicate that the border crisis is now the number one area of concern for Americans as the November election approaches.

These statistics are reportedly bad news for President Biden, as many view him as responsible for creating the crisis now being felt in states across the country.

Taking Biden to task, Trump began opinion piece by writing:

“Today, I am visiting our wide-open Southern border to witness the annihilation of American sovereignty being carried out at Joe Biden’s orders.”

Claiming that Biden has neglected his Constitutional responsibility to protect the border and that he is only visiting a border city this week because his poll numbers are dropping, Trump wrote:

“In a last-minute trip, Biden is chasing me to the border, no doubt desperate to shirk blame for the catastrophe he has caused.”

“But do not be deceived. The abolition of America’s borders is Joe Biden’s policy. The mass migration of millions of illegal aliens into the United States is Joe Biden’s plan. This is Joe Biden’s invasion.”

Distinguishing his border policies from President Biden’s, Trump added:

When I left office, we handed Biden the most secure border in U.S. history. We ended catch and release. We built hundreds of miles of Border Wall. We implemented Remain in Mexico, Safe Third Country Agreements with Central American nations, an asylum ban, Title 42, and rapid removals.”

Trump further emphasized that his border policies were implemented to safeguard Americans and American interests, while implying that the Biden administration’s policies will have a detrimental impact on the country.

“When I was president, when illegal aliens trespassed across our border, they were captured, detained, and deported.”

“When Joe Biden came into office, he willfully and deliberately obliterated every strong border policy I put into place, and launched the largest border invasion in American history.”

“Biden stopped wall construction. He ordered an immediate suspension of removals. He ripped up Remain in Mexico. He terminated my asylum agreements. He ended Title 42. He tied the hands of our ICE and Border Patrol agents behind their backs. He made it known to the entire world that our border was wide open.”

“The very first bill Biden sent to Congress was a bill to turn illegal aliens into voting citizens. Instead of shipping them back across the border, he began shipping them to cities all over the United States by plane, train, and bus to resettle them in your communities.”

And then he began issuing work permits to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, allowing them to unfairly compete against the American worker.

As a direct result of these policies, a minimum of nine million migrants have infiltrated across our border in three years — and the true number is surely much higher than that.

Subsequently, he started distributing work permits to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants, enabling them to unfairly compete with American workers.

As a direct consequence of these measures, at least nine million migrants have crossed our border in three years — and the actual figure is likely higher.

Trump claims that President Biden’s open border policies pose a security threat to the United States.

“A large number are fighting-aged men, including from China, Venezuela, Somalia and many other countries.

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short, Joe Biden purposely surrendered our border to cartels, child smugglers, human traffickers, and some of the most dangerous criminals on the planet – the cost to public safety, national security, and taxpayer money be damned.”

Trump also highlighted the notable increase in drug activity involving illegal immigrants, fentanyl-related deaths, and human trafficking since Biden’s inauguration. He expressed his concern passionately, stating:

“…Our communities are buckling under the influx and our country is being overrun with crime.”

“Last year, 43 percent of all ICE arrests were aliens with criminal convictions or pending charges for some 33,000 assaults, 3,000 robberies, almost 7,000 burglaries, 7,500 weapons offenses, 4,300 sex crimes, 1,600 kidnappings, and 1,700 homicides.”

“In Chicago and Miami, police have confirmed the violent Venezuelan ‘Tren de Aragua’ gang is now operating in their cities.”

“In New York City, NYPD officers were recently mobbed and viciously beaten by a pack of migrant criminals.”

“In Michigan, gangs of migrants are stalking suburban houses and plundering them for valuables.”

“And in Georgia just last week, 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley was savagely attacked and murdered on the campus of the University of Georgia. An illegal alien migrant who was released into our country under Biden has been charged with her killing.”

Trump asserted that while Biden and Democrats may seek to attribute the current crisis to him and Republicans, the responsibility lies solely with the policies implemented by President Joe Biden.

“Biden is preposterously trying to blame me and Congressional Republicans for the national security and public safety disaster he has created.”

“He is claiming Republicans need to approve legislation for him to secure the border. But the truth is, Joe Biden does not need a bill to solve the problem at the border — America needs to fire Joe Biden to solve the problem at the border.”

“He created this catastrophe. At any point in the past three years, he could have closed the border.”

Trump then suggested the solution to the problem—remove Biden from office by voting him out in November.

“When I am re-elected, “Trump wrote,  I will seal the border and shut down the invasion on Day One. And we will begin the process of removing Biden’s illegal aliens from our country.”

“Upon taking office, I will restore every strong border policy I had before — and impose tough additional measures to keep out the gang members, human traffickers, sadists and thugs.”

“Finally, I will leverage every tool, resource, and authority to begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. This is just common sense.”

Americans should not fall for Biden’s border lies. He has betrayed your trust, and with his demolition of our borders, he has betrayed our country.”

“The first step to border security is voting Biden out of office this November.”