Survey Shows Donald Trump Holds Substantial Lead Against Nikki Haley

In the current Republican primary race, the latest Morning Consult survey reveals that former President Donald Trump holds a significant lead over his rival Nikki Haley. The tracking poll indicates Trump securing 81 percent support from potential Republican primary voters, while Haley trails far behind at 18 percent – a considerable gap beyond the survey’s +/-2 percent margin of error.

Notably, only 13 percent of GOP primary voters “strongly agree” with Haley’s criticisms of Trump’s age, dismissing concerns that, at 77, he is too old for the presidency.

Trump’s also dominating in key states: Before Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dropped his bid, our surveys in key primary states showed Trump with commanding leads in Nevada, South Carolina and a number of key Super Tuesday states — something that’s likely to expand alongside his national growth in support.

The findings of this week’s Morning Consult survey align with those of the previous week, maintaining Trump’s commanding lead with 81 percent support compared to Haley’s 18 percent. The survey conducted from January 26-28, 2024, involved 4,044 potential Republican primary voters.

This survey aligns with various others conducted at both national and state levels, all indicating substantial leads for Trump over Haley. A recent Tyson Group survey, unveiled last week, revealed Trump leading by 27 points in Haley’s home state of South Carolina, securing 58 percent support compared to the former governor’s 31 percent.

Despite facing this clear reality and experiencing setbacks in Iowa and New Hampshire, Haley has unequivocally expressed her intention to stay in the race. She aims to compete not only in her home state but also beyond, relying heavily on support from non-conservative voters in open primary states.