Surprise $18M Valuation of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Stuns Real Estate Experts

Many Americans seem to share the sentiment expressed by former President Donald Trump regarding what he perceives as unfair treatment by the Democratic-led Department of Justice, as well as Democratic prosecutors, attorney generals, and judges.

Despite facing four indictments and a staggering 91 criminal counts, Trump’s presidential aspirations appear undeterred, and he continues to widen his lead over both his GOP competitors and President Joe Biden.

Recent polls indicate that Trump maintains a lead of over 40 points ahead of his nearest GOP rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Additionally, in a head-to-head contest, Trump is now narrowly edging out Biden for the first time. It’s worth noting that Trump’s margin of victory over Biden increases if third-party candidate Cornel West enters the race.

The most recent legal ruling contested by Trump came from Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron, a Democrat. Judge Engoron based his decision on a recommendation from Democratic New York Attorney General Letitia James, ruling that the former president had engaged in fraud by inflating the value of his assets to secure loans and attract investors.

In his 35-page verdict, Engoron asserted that Trump had made “indisputably false statements to secure advantageous terms with financial institutions,” as reported by the New York Post.

This “bombshell” ruling, as described by the New York Post, has reverberated through both political and real estate spheres, leaving many in a state of astonishment. Engoron’s decision, especially his methodology in determining that Trump had overestimated the worth of his assets, has left observers perplexed.

Critics have pointed out that Engoron admonished Trump for “inflating” the value of his Mar-a-Lago property by a staggering 2,300%. Engoron’s evaluation placed the property’s accurate value at $18 million, but market analysts argue that its fair market value far exceeds $300 million.

The Post’s article features a statement from a notable Palm Beach real estate agent who requested anonymity when speaking to a journalist. This agent remarked, “Believing that the property is valued at just $18 million is absolutely unrealistic.”

Back in 2018, Forbes appraised the property at $160 million. Over the past five years, the property has undergone substantial renovations, and the surrounding area has seen a substantial rise in property values.

Another real estate expert noted: “If that property were on the market today, I would list it at around $300 million, minimum … at least. He also has the separate golf course minutes away.”

The post presented various comparable properties in the fair market that unequivocally supported the notion that Engoron had significantly underestimated the value of Trump’s estate. This has led many to question whether the judge made an error in calculating Trump’s overall assets when issuing his judgment.

Engoron’s ruling went so far as to nullify the New York “business certificates” held by both the Trump Organization and Trump’s other New York-based businesses. Additionally, Trump has been ordered to have an independent third party oversee the “dissolution of the canceled LLCs.”

In response to this, Trump criticized Engoron and James, accusing them of orchestrating a “Witch Hunt.” The former president stated:

“It is a great company that has been slandered and maligned by this politically motivated Witch Hunt. It is very unfair, and I call for help from the highest courts in New York State, or the Federal System, to intercede. THIS IS NOT AMERICA.”