Senator Jeff Wilson from Washington Apprehended at Hong Kong Airport with Firearm

A Washington State senator was apprehended in Hong Kong for unintentionally carrying a firearm in his carry-on bag while transiting through the city’s airport. Jeff Wilson, a Republican from Longview, Washington, was detained upon his arrival at Hong Kong International Airport on Saturday, as reported by various media outlets and a statement on his official website.

Wilson and his wife were on a five-week vacation in Southeast Asia. He appeared in court on Monday and was subsequently released on bail. Notably, the firearm he had with him was registered in Washington but not in Hong Kong, which he explained in his statement.

“It was an honest mistake, and I expect the situation to be resolved shortly,” Wilson was quoted as saying.

As stated on Wilson’s website, he was unaware that his pistol was inside his briefcase when he cleared airport security in Portland, and the security screeners at that location did not detect it. The politician only realized he had the unloaded firearm in his possession during his flight from San Francisco to Hong Kong, at which point he promptly reported it to customs authorities upon landing.

Following a hearing on Monday at the Shatin Magistrates’ Courts, Wilson was required to surrender his travel documents, as reported by the local newspaper, The Standard. The next court hearing is scheduled to take place on October 30 at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts.

In accordance with Hong Kong’s legal regulations, the act of possessing a firearm without the appropriate license can result in penalties of up to 14 years of imprisonment and a fine of $12,800. However, it’s worth noting that offenders typically receive sentences of a maximum of 2 years.