Report: California Border Sees 700 Chinese Nationals Apprehended in a Week

Breitbart Texas obtained an unofficial report from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that unveiled a concerning trend.

The exclusive report indicated that nearly 700 illegal immigrants from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) were apprehended entering the San Diego region in the third week of April alone.

A CBP source that is unauthorized to speak to the media, disclosed to Breitbart that the surge in Chinese migrant apprehensions represents a staggering threefold increase compared to the same period last year.

The source also revealed that China has now ascended into the top ten nationalities encountered by Border Patrol agents along the southern border.

The bulk of these Chinese nationals are promptly released into the United States, as China adamantly refuses to repatriate its citizens. “We have only conducted one repatriation flight back to China recently,” the source said.

“Until that changes, unless we have specific derogatory information about an individual, we are releasing. There’s just no other option,” they added.

The agency remains confounded by the ongoing surge in Chinese migrant arrivals, particularly noting a dramatic increase this past week. Twice as many PRC nationals entered Southern California during this brief period than the mere 342 encountered along the entire Southwest border throughout the entire 2021 fiscal year.

The source added that intelligence debriefings have yielded scant information regarding the migrants’ motives for entry. The language barrier, coupled with the sheer volume of crossings and apprehensions, also poses a formidable challenge.

Breitbart highlighted that despite the travel route for most Chinese migrants proving to be costly and arduous, involving journeys from Hong Kong to Turkey and Ecuador before reaching the U.S. southern border, smuggling fees have been reported to soar as high as $55,000 per individual.

The staggering figures show that during the first six months of fiscal year 2024, Border Patrol agents apprehended 24,296 Chinese migrants, setting an all-time record.

The San Diego Sector alone accounted for 23,890 apprehensions, up from 10,520 in fiscal year 2023.

FBI Director Christopher Wray notably sounded the alarm on Thursday, cautioning national security and intelligence experts about the looming threats posed by China.

“The PRC has made it clear that it considers every sector that makes our society run as fair game in its bid to dominate on the world stage, and that its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic and break America’s will to resist,” Wray warned to an audience at the Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats in Nashville.

Breitbart Texas recently discussed the surge in Chinese migrant arrivals with Dr. Kenneth Allard, a retired Army Colonel and former Dean of Students at the National War College.

Allard, an expert on totalitarian regimes, voiced apprehensions about the Biden administration’s response, suggesting a potential exploitation of the crisis by the Chinese regime.

“Totalitarian governments like China are great exploiters of opportunity,” Allard said. “They recognize weakness and capitalize on it immediately. What we are seeing reflects a deliberate policy choice by the regime.”

Allard added that the regime recognizes President Biden’s weaknesses, stating, “Its obvious he is not entirely in control at present. China realizes that as well.”

This is an excerpt from RTM.