Rep. Byron Donalds Provides Status Update on Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Unveils Three Key Pieces of Evidence

During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) disclosed compelling evidence collected by House Republicans, allegedly implicating Joe Biden in his family’s purported influence-peddling activities. Donalds joined host Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures,” providing an update on the impeachment inquiry involving Biden and his relatives, notably his son Hunter. When asked by Bartiromo to reveal pivotal evidence from the inquiry, Donalds shared insights with her and the viewing audience.

“We now know that Hunter Biden did bring Joe Biden to this dinner at Cafe Milano,” Donalds began. “It has been talked about in various deposition transcripts from Tony Bobulinski to Devin Archer. When we asked Hunter Biden, he couldn’t recall. You have the text message famously about requesting money from Chairman Zhao. The money showed up a week later. Hunter Biden, under oath, said he was high, can’t remember the text message. But photos from the laptop from hell demonstrate that he actually was at Joe Biden’s house on the day that the text message was sent. So you have Hunter Biden contradicting himself. That’s evidence piece number one.”

“Evidence piece number two is the fact that you have money that flows to Jim Biden on the same day checks are cut to Joe Biden, and then there’s calling it a loan, but there are no loan documents that exist. That’s number two,” he continued. 

“And then number three, and most importantly, I think, if you’re talking impeachment, Joe Biden has woefully violated immigration law in the United States. He has also violated Supreme Court ruling when it comes to student loans, and he does it with impunity. So, I believe it’s partly the oversight investigation, but it’s also the willfulness of Joe Biden to ignore the Supreme Court and to not faithfully take care to execute the laws of the United States when it comes to border security,” Donalds concluded.

According to a recent article by the Daily Caller, Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer has reportedly requested Hunter Biden’s presence at a hearing titled “Influence Peddling: Investigating Joe Biden’s Misuse of Public Office” scheduled for March 20. Hunter Biden is expected to appear alongside his former business partners Devon Archer, Tony Bobulinski, and Jason Galanis. The hearing’s focus is to examine President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in his son’s international business ventures.

“Given his repeated calls for a public hearing, we fully expect him to appear for a scheduled hearing on [March 20th] alongside his former business associates,” a source familiar with the matter told the Caller.

Comer asserted that House Republicans had uncovered evidence indicating that “Joe Biden was aware of, actively engaged in, and profited from his family capitalizing on the Biden name.”

“Multiple witnesses have testified Joe Biden allowed his family to sell him as ‘the brand’ around the world to enrich the Biden family,” Comer stated.