Over a Third of Americans Believe Biden’s Presidency Lacks Legitimacy

In a recent poll conducted by The Washington Post and the University of Maryland, it was revealed that over 33% of Americans now assert that Joe Biden’s election was not legitimate, marking a 7-point rise from the 2021 survey.

Recent data indicates a 7-point decline (from 39% to 31%) among Republicans acknowledging Biden’s legitimacy, a 6-point drop (from 72% to 66%) among Independents, and a 3-point dip among Democrats (from 94% to 91%). These shifts highlight Trump’s enduring influence on the GOP, showcasing growing loyalty to the former president.

Conducted from December 14 to 18, the survey revealed that older Americans exhibited slightly greater acceptance of Biden’s victory compared to younger voters. However, Biden faces declining support, particularly among younger demographics, attributed to issues such as the surge in illegal immigration, challenges with Bidenomics, and concerns about fraud and mismanagement.

These findings underscore a rising skepticism toward election processes and Biden’s legitimacy as the U.S. president. According to a Public Affairs Council/Morning Consult poll, only 37% of Americans believe the 2024 elections will be fair and accessible to all voters. Additionally, apprehensions about disinformation on social media and news outlets contribute to heightened concerns among the public.

Furthermore, 43% express significant skepticism regarding the transparency and integrity of the upcoming 2024 elections.

The survey, carried out from September 1-3, 2023, involved 2,219 respondents. The Washington Post poll delved into the public’s opinion on the January 6 Capitol demonstration, marking its third anniversary. The findings indicate a shift in public perception, with fewer than 50 percent now describing the protest as “mostly violent,” compared to the previous survey’s 54 percent.

Moreover, respondents are now less inclined to attribute responsibility for the violence during the demonstration to Trump. In follow-up interviews, many express a strong belief that the “violence was initiated by law enforcement to suppress political dissent.”

Despite the absence of insurrection charges, both the Colorado Supreme Court and Maine’s Secretary of State took steps to disqualify Trump from the state primary ballot. It’s worth noting that the GOP leader was acquitted by the Senate when facing impeachment for “inciting an insurrection.”

According to Michael J. Hanmer, who serves as the director of the Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement at the University of Maryland, “From a historical standpoint, these findings would be unsettling for numerous analysts.”