NYC Mayor Eric Adams Takes Action Against Unauthorized Buses from the Southern Border

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has taken a decisive step with an executive order aimed at overseeing charter bus companies transporting individuals from the U.S. southern border to Democrat-led sanctuary cities.

To address the increasing influx of migrants, the order requires these companies to notify the city’s Emergency Management Office at least 32 hours prior to their scheduled arrival.

Mayor Adams expressed concerns about unregulated drop-offs in remote locations during nighttime, making prompt assistance difficult. He emphasized the anticipated surge of 25,000 arrivals in the city in the coming days and weeks.

The recent directive imposes stringent constraints on drop-off times, permitting them only between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. each day. The designated location for drop-offs is specified as West 41st Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues in Manhattan.

In a virtual press conference with Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston, Mayor Adams underscored the importance of these measures, highlighting the potential risks associated with unexpected arrivals for those already in vulnerable situations.

“We cannot allow buses with people needing our help to arrive without warning any hour of day and night. This not only prevents us from providing assistance in an orderly way, but it puts those who have already suffered so much in danger,” Mr. Adams said.

Non-compliance with these regulations may lead to severe repercussions, including misdemeanor charges, substantial fines, legal proceedings, and the impoundment of buses, as outlined by Mayor Adams.

This decision aligns with actions taken in Chicago, where Mayor Johnson’s administration has initiated legal actions against charter bus companies.

Mayor Adams’ move comes in response to the unprecedented arrival of 14 buses transporting undocumented immigrants from Texas in a single day.

Mayor Johnson criticized Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s program, characterizing it as reckless and hazardous. He emphasized instances where buses dropped off families in remote areas without proper care or processing.

“Buses sent by the governor of Texas literally dropping families off in the middle of nowhere. These families have experienced a great deal of political turmoil, trekking hundreds of thousands of miles to get to the border without real care, without real processing, and without a system in place to address this crisis,” Mr. Johnson said.

Mayor Adams disclosed that, on Tuesday night, five buses transporting undocumented immigrants arrived in New York City from Philadelphia around 1 a.m., following a flight diversion from El Paso, Texas, due to fog.

The mentioned criminal charges would be applicable for violating the local executive order, categorized as a class B misdemeanor. Individuals could face imprisonment of up to three months and fines of up to $500, while corporations could be fined up to $2,000.

Emphasizing that the order’s purpose is not to prevent migrants from entering the city but to ensure their safety and a coordinated arrival process, Mayor Adams clarified his intention.

City officials revealed that since the spring of 2022, over 161,000 asylum seekers have arrived in the city, with more than 68,000 still under city care as of Tuesday.

Mayor Adams, along with other Democratic mayors, renewed calls for federal intervention and criticized Governor Abbott for directing over 80,000 migrants to Democratic-led cities across the country since last year.

“I’m proud to be here with my fellow mayors to call on the federal government to do their part with one voice and to tell Texas Governor Abbott to stop the games and use of migrants as potential political pawns,” Mr. Adams said.