Nolte Reports: Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden in All 7 Critical Swing States

Recent polling by Bloomberg News/Morning Consult reveals that former President Donald Trump is ahead of President Joe Biden in all seven crucial swing states. The survey suggests that Biden’s decision to open the southern border, permitting unvetted illegal aliens to enter, has significantly influenced the results, impacting welfare resources and potentially negating our votes.

A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll reveals that 60% of swing-state voters believe President Joe Biden is accountable for the increase in illegal immigrants at the US-Mexico border. This negative sentiment poses a challenge for his reelection chances, especially as Republicans are less implicated on this issue. In the monthly survey, Biden continues to trail Donald Trump in all seven swing states, with a 42% to 48% deficit in a head-to-head matchup, expanding to a 9 percentage point lead for Trump when considering third-party candidates.

Here’s the rundown head-to-head:

  • Arizona: Trump 47 / Biden 44 — Trump +3
  • Georgia: Trump 49 / Biden 41 — Trump +8
  • Michigan: Trump 47 / Biden 42 — Trump +5
  • Nevada: Trump 48 / Biden 40 — Trump +8
  • North Carolina: Trump 49 / Biden 39 — Trump +10
  • Pennsylvania: Trump 48 / Biden 45 — Trump +3
  • Wisconsin: Trump 49 / Biden 44 — Trump +5

Here’s the rundown with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the ticket. The other independent and third-party candidates (Cornel West, Jill Stein) only earn a point or two:

  • Arizona: Trump 43 / Biden 35 / Kennedy 10 — Trump +8
  • Georgia: Trump 44 / Biden 37 / Kennedy 8 — Trump +7
  • Michigan: Trump 43 / Biden 37 / Kennedy 8 — Trump +6
  • Nevada: Trump 43 / Biden 31 / Kennedy 12 — Trump +12
  • North Carolina: Trump 45 / Biden 32 / Kennedy 9 — Trump +13
  • Pennsylvania: Trump 43 / Biden 40 / Kennedy 7 — Trump +3
  • Wisconsin: Trump 43 / Biden 35 / Kennedy 10 — Trump +8

With Kennedy included, Biden’s support falls below 40% in six of the seven swing states, reaching 31% in Nevada and 32% in North Carolina. The poll, conducted among 4,956 registered voters from January 16-24 with a one-point margin of error, reveals intriguing internal figures.

A mere 29% believe the national economy is heading in the right direction, with 71% expressing concern. This poses a challenge for Biden, especially considering that 82% consider the economy “very important” in their November voting decision.

In these pivotal swing states, Biden’s favorability stands at just 38%, with 58% holding an unfavorable view. Kamala Harris earns a 37% favorable rating and 56% unfavorable. In contrast, Donald Trump maintains a 46% favorable rating and a 52% unfavorable rating. Biden is 20 points underwater in favorability, while Trump is only six points down.

It’s worth noting that in 2020, Trump supposedly lost all these states except North Carolina. This swing state poll aligns seamlessly with national polling, indicating Trump’s four-point lead over Biden at 48% to 44%.

This poll clarifies why Biden seems to downplay his influence over the Southern border with a manipulated security bill supported by figures like Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Cuck). Despite having the necessary power to secure the border, Biden avoids taking action.

The encouraging aspect of this poll is that voters aren’t easily deceived. They seem to remember the positive aspects of Trump’s presidency when gas was $2.50 a gallon, a dozen eggs cost 99 cents, the border was more secure, and global tensions were lower.

Perhaps, as a note at the bottom of every grocery bill receipt would suggest: “At least the mean tweets have stopped.”