Nikki Haley Dismisses Trump’s Nickname, Calling It ‘Not Even Amusing

Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, responded to a series of critiques from her political opponents in a recent interview with Martha MacCallum on Fox News Channel’s “The Story.” Haley implied that the criticisms signal a recognition of the growing momentum behind her campaign.

“Look, all these guys know that we’re surging in the polls so they’re all starting to hit,” Haley said. She specifically referred to former President Donald Trump’s labeling of her as “bird brain” and his assertion that she is a globalist more concerned with the prosperity of other nations than the United States. Haley dismissed the nickname as ineffective and highlighted her own record on China, claiming she was tougher on the country than Trump, particularly in areas he did not address, such as the flow of fentanyl, intellectual property theft and Chinese influence in American universities.

In addressing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ criticism of her gubernatorial record, Haley insinuated that his remarks were a response to a downturn in his own poll numbers.

“I think he went after my record as governor because he’s losing,” she stated. Haley defended her tenure as governor, citing her success in reducing unemployment and attracting businesses to South Carolina.

Despite facing these criticisms, Haley stays dedicated to her campaign objectives. She underscores her commitment to strengthening and empowering Americans, with key priorities such as economic relief, improving education, reducing crime, and enhancing border security.

“We’re gonna let the world know America is back,” she affirmed.

Experiencing a recent upswing in popularity, Haley’s campaign attributes this to strong showings in the initial three Republican presidential primary debates and notable endorsements, including one from Americans for Prosperity Action. Additionally, she initiated a $10 million advertising campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire. Recent polls indicate Haley surpassing DeSantis in New Hampshire and South Carolina, while they are neck and neck in Iowa.

However, both Haley and DeSantis lag behind Trump, who maintains a substantial lead in the race.