Los Angeles Considering Arming Undocumented Police Officers Around the Clock

Illegal immigrants are generally barred from possessing firearms under state and federal laws. However, the committee overseeing the Los Angeles Police Department has endorsed new regulations to permit unauthorized immigrant officers to carry firearms at all times.

California recently passed legislation allowing individuals under President Barack Obama’s DACA executive order to serve as police officers. Despite federal and state restrictions on unauthorized immigrants possessing firearms, LAPD has approved a policy framework enabling DACA recipients, including off-duty, citing the officers’ constant on-call status.

The Board unanimously endorsed the policy framework, signifying a significant change, as DACA recipients, who are not U.S. citizens, were previously prohibited from carrying firearms during off-duty hours.

“We’ve worked closely with the Department of Justice at the state and federal level to express the fact that we desire to form a model policy that we think meets this moment and is the state of the law and provisions of immigration policy in the United States,” said Chief of Police of Los Angeles Michael Moore to Fox News.

Until the LAPD formally implements the complete policy, including more than just the framework, DACA recipients will not have authorization to carry firearms when off duty.

While California led the way in securing federal approval for DACA recipients to serve as armed officers, Colorado recently joined by passing a comparable bill in April 2023.