Legal Battles Commence in Two States to Prevent Trump from Appearing on 2024 Election Ballots

In recent months, judges in several states have determined that states lack the authority to prevent the inclusion of former President Donald Trump’s name on upcoming ballots. Nonetheless, two states are gearing up to review similar proposals in an attempt to obstruct Trump’s political aspirations.

As the former president, Trump currently holds a substantial lead in the GOP race, especially with the first primary only four months away. Recent polling data indicates he has the support of over 60%, while the second-place candidate, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, trails at 12%.

Interestingly, with each legal indictment and court hearing, Trump’s popularity in the polls surges. In fact, the most recent six national polls suggest that Trump would outperform President Biden in a potential 2024 rematch.

Those who seek to prevent Trump from appearing on a state ballot invoke the Constitution’s 14th Amendment “insurrection” clause to bolster their argument.

Remarkably, despite over a year and a cost exceeding $35 million spent by the Democrat-led congressional Jan. 6 Committee, no guilty verdict for “insurrection” has been reached against Trump.

In Colorado, the organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is advancing a complaint against Trump, which his legal team tried unsuccessfully to have dismissed in a lower court.

A second case is on the verge of being heard in a Minnesota court. Trump’s legal representatives have labeled these complaints as “absurd” and alleged that left-leaning groups are “stretching the law beyond recognition.”

As per The Washington Examiner, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and former Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, both ardent Trump supporters, encountered comparable legal challenges in the lead-up to the 2022 election.

In both instances, the judges determined that these government officials were qualified to serve and couldn’t be prevented from having their names listed on the ballots.

For instance, a judge ruled in favor of Greene’s eligibility for re-election last year. The judge pointed out that the group bringing the lawsuit failed to provide sufficient evidence indicating that Greene’s actions before, during, and after the riot amounted to aiding an insurrection in violation of the Constitution.

Supporters of preventing politicians aligned with Trump from holding office are committed to appealing their cases to the U.S. Supreme Court. Numerous legal scholars anticipate that the Court’s conservative majority will probably affirm the decisions made by lower courts, thereby permitting Trump’s name to be included on ballots.