Lara Trump, RNC Co-Chair, Plans Implementation of Fresh Ballot Harvesting Tactics

Amid calls for strategic rejuvenation within the Republican National Committee (RNC), Lara Trump, the newly-elected co-chair, underscored the imperative to enhance the party’s tactics for effective competition against the Democrats.

Replacing Drew McKissick in her recent appointment, Trump expressed her concerns, remarking, “we’ve been playing checkers while the Democrats have been playing chess.”

During an appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Trump delineated the RNC’s focus on voter turnout, safeguarding the vote, and fundraising, placing particular emphasis on maintaining election integrity.

In response to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo’s query regarding her top priorities as RNC co-chair, Trump addressed a significant concern raised by Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding potential obstacles to states implementing more stringent voting regulations.

Trump stressed the necessity of fostering confidence in the electoral process, asserting, “we cannot allow a repeat of the events and uncertainties surrounding the 2020 election.”

When addressing allegations of fraud in the 2020 election, Trump acknowledged the creation of an “election integrity division” within the committee. This division comprises a nationwide network of volunteers, encompassing poll watchers and trained personnel.

“Unfortunately, we don’t have one day of voting, we don’t have paper ballots, we don’t have voter ID everywhere. So we have to play the hand that we’re dealt,” Trump said to the Washington Examiner.

“We need to be doing legal ballot harvesting — something that has never been done by the RNC, but I can promise you will be a huge part of what we’re planning to do,” she added.

Amidst 78 active lawsuits across 23 states, aimed at streamlining voting processes and thwarting fraud, Lara Trump delivered a firm cautionary message to potential offenders, declaring that any attempts at electoral malpractice will face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

Emphasizing the shared desire for free, fair, and transparent elections, she appealed to both Republicans and Democrats.

In response to fundraising apprehensions, Trump committed to improving transparency, ensuring that every dollar contributed to the RNC directly bolsters electoral achievements.

She recognized the importance of donors feeling assured that their contributions support causes dear to them, reaffirming her dedication to maximizing resources for victories “across the ballot” come Election Day.