Lara Trump Condemns Kamala Harris for ‘Grossly Illegal’ Campaign Tactics

Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee and daughter-in-law of former President Donald Trump, has accused Vice President Kamala Harris of engaging in a “highly illegal” campaign scheme.

On Instagram, Lara Trump posted an email that the Harris campaign allegedly sent to teachers in Gaston, North Carolina, which was then shared with students.

“Harris Campaign in Gaston, NC sent emails through teachers to students,” the bombshell headline read. “This is highly illegal. Parents, if you see anything like this in your schools, please report it.”

In the email, Reed Breunig, a regional organizer for the Harris campaign, encourages teachers to advise their students to vote for the vice president.

“My name is Reed Breunig and I am the Regional Organizer for the Kamala Harris for President Campaign here in Gaston County,” the email began.

“I work directly with the North Carolina Coordinated campaign — working to get Democrats elected up and down the ballot through community organizing and outreach efforts. I’m reaching out because we have an exciting opportunity for your students to get involved with a local political campaign,” it adds.

“The North Carolina Democratic Party is looking for high school students interested in getting involved with the campaign and learning a bit more about local, state and national politics. The fellowship would be roughly 5-10 hours a week, and the fellows would work alongside the staff in terms of talking to voters, helping to run the office, and the day-to-day business of the campaign,” it continues.

“Unfortunately, it won’t be paid, but we can sign off for volunteer hours and school credit. If you have any students who are interested, please have them reach out to me either through this email. I would love to discuss the campaign and the fellowship opportunity either in person or via Zoom,” the email concludes.

In reaction to the email, Lara Trump criticized the Harris campaign for its “gross and desperate” illegal election tactics.

“Gross & desperate — the Harris Campaign continues to try and use government resources as an additional campaign arm,” the RNC co-chair wrote.

“They are now using taxpayer funded school platforms to recruit public school teachers to pressure students into volunteering for the campaign. Thankfully, the school board has shut this down and is investigating further, but be vigilant for the same tactics in schools across the country,” she added.

To ensure the 2024 election is free from misconduct, the Trump campaign has directed the RNC to prioritize election integrity.

For months, the RNC has been filing lawsuits in various states to safeguard the upcoming presidential election.

In Congress, House Republicans are diligently working to pass the SAVE Act, which would mandate proof of citizenship for voting in the November election.

In July, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) championed the legislation, stressing the importance of ensuring free and fair elections in the U.S. The bill would mandate that election officials verify citizenship before issuing registration forms and require voters to provide proof of citizenship to cast their ballots, among other provisions.