Jim Jordan Unveils Potential Schedule for Introducing Impeachment Articles Against Biden

During a Monday press briefing, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, proposed the possibility of introducing articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden within the initial six months of 2024.

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy initiated an impeachment inquiry in mid-September, aiming to delve deeper into Biden’s connection to his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

Jordan indicated that a decision could be reached after completing witness depositions, with a full-House vote on the impeachment inquiry potentially occurring this week. The chairman expressed confidence that this process would conclude well before the first half of the year concludes.

“We want to talk to those last several witnesses, and we want to make that happen as quickly as possible. We think we can do that relatively quick,” Jordan told reporters.

“We hope to get a couple done here in December, and then a couple more in January and make a decision as a body if we move forward with actual articles.”

Jordan informed reporters that he has outlined a plan to depose several individuals, including James Biden, Tony Bobulinski, Rob Walker, Eric Schwerin, and Kevin Morris, within the span of this month and the next.

“We want to talk to the people who were directly in business with Hunter Biden,” Jordan told reporters.

Jordan expressed his desire for the House to conduct an official vote on an impeachment inquiry this week, aiming to bolster their position for the future. This comes as McCarthy initiated the inquiry without formally calling for one.