Jamaal Bowman Responds to Revelation of Previous 9/11 Conspiracy Statements

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), previously censured for triggering a fire alarm during a House session, released a statement on Monday in response to The Daily Beast’s report highlighting his promotion of 9/11 conspiracy theories on his blog during his tenure as a high school principal.

In 2011, when Bowman served as principal at the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action, his online journal included a section titled “Recapitulate” in which he mused that the collapse of Building 7 on 9/11 came from a controlled demolition and cited the films “Loose Change” and “Zeitgeist,” the first of which claimed that the U.S. orchestrated the 9/11 attacks while the second, the Daily Beast writes, “argues that a ring of globalist bankers controls the Federal Reserve and periodically contrives national tragedies to compel the U.S. government to embark on wars and take out greater debt.”

On Monday, Bowman responded to The Daily Beast’s report, saying:

“Well over a decade ago, as I was debating diving into a doctoral degree, I explored a wide range of books, films, and articles across a wide swath of the political spectrum and processed my thoughts in a personal blog that few people ever read.”

“I don’t believe anything that these cranks have said, and my life’s work has proven that,” he continued.

“As a Congressman, I’ve written a Congressional Resolution condemning a dangerous conspiracy theory, I’ve stood up to MAGA extremists, and I’ve called out the endless bull**** of the far-right.”

He declared he had since “learned how misinformation spreads,” adding, “I regret posting anything about any of these people. Anyone who looks at my work today knows where I stand.”