House Republicans Set to Submit Resolution Expressing Disapproval of Biden Administration’s ‘Totalitarian’ Digital Equity Regulations

Dealing another setback to the Biden administration’s efforts to promote “woke” initiatives, House Republicans have introduced a resolution denouncing what they characterize as Biden’s “totalitarian” digital equity rules.

The collective resolution conveys a robust disapproval of Biden’s recently introduced package of “digital discrimination” rules, alleging that it signifies a “power grab by the federal government.” Spearheaded by Republican Reps. Andrew Clyde and Buddy Carter of Georgia, the resolution has garnered co-sponsorship from 65 House Republicans.

Known as the Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution of disapproval, this resolution aims to counter the recently implemented digital equity rules by the Federal Communications Commission. These rules were introduced as part of President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act earlier this month.

In a statement to Fox News Digital on Tuesday, Rep. Clyde expressed, “Under the guise of ‘equity,’ the Biden Administration is seeking to significantly extend the federal government’s influence over all internet services and infrastructure.”

This resolution empowers lawmakers to challenge aspects of the bill that might encroach upon free speech rights. Biden’s proposed legislation reportedly seeks to curb digital discrimination in broadband access related to factors such as income, race, ethnicity, color, religion, or national origin.

Rep. Clyde clarified that while Republicans endorse anti-discrimination measures, they harbor concerns that the bill’s broad language could potentially be exploited to censor content considered objectionable by those in positions of authority.

“The FCC’s so-called ‘digital discrimination’ rule hands bureaucrats unmitigated regulatory authority that will undoubtedly impede innovation, burden consumers, and generate censorship concerns,” said Clyde. “Given the Biden Administration’s long history of weaponizing agencies against the American people, Congress should not let this unconstitutional power grab go unchecked.”