Graham Disregards Liz Cheney’s Trump Alert, Warns of Global Turmoil if Biden Secures Re-election

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina pushed back on former Representative Liz Cheney’s cautionary statement regarding the potential re-election of former President Trump, asserting that the re-election of President Biden would have disastrous consequences on a global scale.

Graham addressed Cheney’s concerns during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” countering her claim that a second Trump presidency could lead the U.S. into a dictatorship.

“I understand why people don’t like what he does and says at times,” Graham said of Trump, “but in terms of actions and results, he was far better president [than] Biden. And if we have four more years of this, Liz Cheney, then we won’t recognize America and the world will be truly on fire.”

Backing Trump for the 2024 presidential race, Graham acknowledged Cheney’s genuine animosity toward Trump but cautioned that Biden’s policies pose a widespread disaster.

“I think a continuation of the Biden presidency would be a disaster for peace and prosperity at home and abroad,” Graham said. “Our border is broken; the only person really going to fix our broken border is Donald Trump.”

Graham pointed out that during Biden’s presidency, Russia invaded Ukraine and there were terrorist attacks in Israel.