GOP Lawmaker Proposes Legislation Requiring Death Penalty for Child Rape Following Epstein Documents

New Mexico Legislator Proposes Reinstating Death Penalty for Child Sex Offenses.

In a bid to bring back the death penalty in New Mexico for criminals convicted of child sex offenses, Republican state Representative Stefani Lord has introduced a bill, HB 109. Despite the abolition of executions in the state in 2009, Lord is motivated by recent revelations about sex trafficking operations linked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, particularly with connections to New Mexico.

Lord criticizes the reluctance to pass stringent measures against sex offenders, citing opposition from Democrats when attempting to exempt pedophiles and rapists from lenient legislation.

“I was horrified, so I went back and said, ‘You know what? There is no cure for pedophilia. There’s no cure for these rapists. So we might as well do like Florida did and give them the death penalty,’” she said.

“There is no life. There’s no option for life in prison. You rape a child that is under 18, then you get the death penalty,” Lord said.

If approved, the bill would designate certain child sex offenses as automatic death penalty cases, while also raising the age of protection for children from 13 to 18. Despite recognizing potential challenges in passing the legislation, Lord underscores the critical need to address sex trafficking urgently and safeguard children from predators.

“I would gladly hand this bill over to a Democrat if they could get this passed. I have no problem with that. I don’t need to take credit for it. The issue is we need to stop the sex trafficking. We need to stop that. There’s so much leniency against pedophiles and people that rape children. This needs to stop,” she said.

“We have to draw the line. We have to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough. If you do this, you’re going to get the death penalty,” Lord said.