Google Found Guilty of Operating an Unlawful Monopoly

In a triumph reminiscent of David vs. Goliath, Epic Games emerged victorious in an antitrust lawsuit against Google. On Monday, a jury declared that Google wielded “monopoly power” and engaged in anticompetitive practices within its app store.

Epic Games, renowned for Fortnite, argued that Google stifles competition by imposing exorbitant fees on rival game developers using Google Play to showcase their offerings. Additionally, Epic accused Google of illicitly linking its app store to its billing service, coercing users into utilizing Google’s services. Google intends to challenge the verdict through an appeal.

In a statement, Wilson White, Google’s Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Policy, expressed, “We intend to contest the verdict. Android and Google Play offer greater choice and openness than any other major mobile platform.”

The statement added: “The trial made clear that we compete fiercely with Apple and its App Store, as well as app stores on Android devices and gaming consoles. We will continue to defend the Android business model and remain deeply committed to our users, partners, and the broader Android ecosystem.”

Epic celebrated the victory, writing in a blog post: “Today’s verdict is a win for all app developers and consumers around the world. It proves that Google’s app store practices are illegal and they abuse their monopoly to extract exorbitant fees, stifle competition, and reduce innovation.”

Significantly, Google is entangled in parallel legal battles initiated by the Department of Justice and Rumble, both asserting that Google holds a monopoly over specific services, particularly “search and search advertising.”