Fetterman: I Might Back H.R. 2, but Not with DACA Parts

In an interview segment with Fox News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram on Thursday, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) expressed his openness to potentially backing H.R. 2, the border security bill approved by House Republicans. However, he clarified that he would not support the DACA components within the legislation.

Fetterman said, “My only kill switch on that is DACA. DACA must — needs to be protected. But the rest can be on the [table].”

Additionally, Pergram relayed Fetterman’s sentiment that he was eager to see a “robust” bill surpassing the Senate’s border legislation and was in favor of a “grand bargain” that connects border security with international assistance. However, Fetterman stated that he could not endorse the DACA provisions within H.R. as they would effectively terminate the program.