Ex-Spokesman for DeSantis Super PAC Fully Backs Trump

Steve Cortes, former spokesperson for the Never Back Down super PAC, completely disassociates from Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and expresses unwavering support for former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. In his piece for RealClearPolitics, Cortes admits his misjudgment and encourages those still supporting DeSantis to “read the room.”

“I believed that Republican voters were ready for a new post-Trump chapter of the America First movement,” Cortes began. “I now believe I was wrong.”

He praised Trump as the sole savior capable of rescuing the country from President Joe Biden and the Democrats, cautioning that another term under Biden could lead to significant changes in the United States.

“It is time to unify behind former President Trump as he leads the battle against the ruling class and the oligarchs intent on destroying the American way of life,” Cortes wrote. “I implore all patriotic populists to join as I pledge to do all I can to work for Trump’s cause, just as I proudly did in 2016 and 2020.”

He cautioned conservatives against additional internal conflicts that might jeopardize their prospects in the upcoming general election.

“We do not have the luxury of further internal strife and instead must gird for an epic battle this autumn against our opponents who are inflicting daily damage upon America,” Cortes said.

“Any further time, capital, and effort spent attacking the frontrunner, especially with Democratic Party-like talking points, only dilutes the power of our cause as we head toward November.”