Eric Schwerin, Linked to Biden, States He Volunteered for Joe Biden without Compensation

Eric Schwerin, known as the financial figure in Biden’s circle, asserted during his Tuesday deposition for a House impeachment inquiry that he volunteered his services for President Joe Biden. These services encompassed various financial tasks such as bookkeeping, bill payments, tax preparation, and managing financial disclosures. Schwerin, who once shared bank accounts with Joe Biden, disclosed that he provided these professional services without compensation and had multiple meetings with the President.

Despite this, Biden denied interactions with his business associates. Additionally, Schwerin acknowledged his appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage board during the Obama-Biden administration, the same board where Hunter Biden’s art purchaser, Elizabeth Naftali, was appointed after acquiring Hunter Biden’s art.

According to the source, Schwerin asserted that he lacked information regarding significant foreign payments to the Bidens. As the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund initiated by Hunter Biden and associates, Schwerin oversaw business ventures in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania. These deals contributed millions to the Biden family business over the years, coinciding with Joe Biden’s tenure as an elected official.

House investigators aimed to uncover details about Schwerin’s involvement in the Bidens’ international business transactions, as well as Joe Biden’s awareness of and engagement in these dealings.

In December, the Committee on Ways and Means unveiled a spreadsheet, assembled by an IRS criminal investigator, featuring numerous email exchanges spanning 2010 to 2019 involving Hunter Biden, Schwerin, and pseudonyms linked to Joe Biden. National Archives documents revealed that Schwerin had direct communication with White House staff concerning Burisma. Notably, Schwerin collaborated with the White House on matters related to Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, even though he wasn’t employed by or receiving payments from Burisma.

According to White House visitor logs, Schwerin made at least 27 visits to the White House during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. In 2018, text messages from Hunter Biden surfaced, exposing a profound lack of trust in Schwerin and suggesting financial obligations owed to him within the context of the family’s affairs, as reported by Breitbart News.