Emanuel Macron Responds to Speculation About His Wife’s Gender Identity

French President Emmanuel Macron vehemently refuted persistent conspiracy theories alleging that his wife, Brigitte Macron, is biologically male or a transvestite, denouncing these claims as “false and fabricated.” In an emotional address at an International Women’s Day event in Paris, where he announced the inclusion of abortion rights in the French Constitution, Macron expressed his strong disapproval of such rumors.

“The worst thing is the false information and fabricated scenarios,” Macron said. “People eventually believe them and disturb you, even in your intimacy.”

Tiphaine Auzière, the daughter of Brigitte Macron, also addressed these rumors in Paris Match magazine.

“I have concerns about the level of society when I hear what is circulating on social networks about my mother being a man,” Auzière stated. “The confidence of what is affirmed and the credit given to what is proclaimed. Anyone can say anything about anyone, and it takes time to get it taken down.”

Last summer, this controversy escalated when a French court in Normandy ruled against Amandine Roy, a psychic, and Natacha Rey, a self-proclaimed freelance journalist. They had asserted in a YouTube video that Brigitte Macron was originally named Jean-Michel Trogneux, who is actually Brigitte’s brother. Additionally, they claimed that Brigitte’s first husband, André-Louis Auzière, was a fictional character until his death in 2019. Rey implied that Jean-Louis Auzière, André-Louis’ uncle, tampered with documents to conceal that his wife had given birth to all of Brigitte’s children. Following appeals, Roy and Rey were fined for their allegations.

The romance between Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron blossomed during their time at the Catholic Providence school in Amiens. Brigitte was a drama teacher, while Emmanuel, at the age of 15, was a student in the same class as her daughter, Laurence.

“I took time so I would not wreck their lives,” Brigitte explained to Paris Match. “That lasted 10 years, the time to put them on the rails. You can imagine what they were hearing. But I didn’t want to miss out on my life.”

In 2007, the couple tied the knot, with Emmanuel, who was 29 at the time, expressing his gratitude to his three stepchildren for embracing their unconventional relationship.