Democrats Turn to Hollywood Celebrities on Last Night of DNC

The final night of the Democratic National Convention featured a host of Hollywood celebrities rallying in support of Kamala Harris as the party’s presidential nominee. This blend of political and star power has become a strategy for party elites to project an image of glamour and appeal.

Among the stars who appeared at the DNC in Chicago on Thursday were the Chicks (formerly known as The Dixie Chicks), Eva Longoria, Kerry Washington, and D.L. Hughley. The event highlighted an intense focus on Kamala Harris’s race and gender, along with a barrage of criticisms aimed at former President Donald Trump.

Pink was expected to deliver a standout performance but instead gave a brief and modest rendition of “What About Us” alongside her daughter, Willow. Despite speculation, neither Beyoncé nor Taylor Swift appeared, leaving a noticeable gap in the lineup.

Throughout the first three days of the convention, Democrats had intentionally kept celebrity appearances low to avoid making Kamala Harris appear elitist, especially given the current high consumer prices linked to her economic policies involving significant government spending.

However, on Thursday, the party fully embraced its celebrity fixation, with stars taking the stage to show support for Harris, who had not received any primary votes from her party.

The group formerly known as The Dixie Chicks—now simply The Chicks—performed the national anthem. This choice seemed ironic to many, given Natalie Maines’ 2003 criticism of Toby Keith’s patriotic song “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue,” which she had deemed offensive.

Pink took the stage with her daughter Willow to perform “What About Us.”

According to Breitbart News, Kerry Washington, known for her role on ABC’s Scandal, appeared on stage Thursday to guide Americans on how to pronounce “Kamala” Harris. This seemed a largely pointless task, as Harris herself has pronounced her name in various ways.

“There are some people who struggle or pretend to struggle with the proper pronunciation of our president’s name. Confusion is understandable. Disrespect is not. So tonight, we are going to help everyone get it right. Here to help me are some very special guests,” she said.

Washington then invited Kamala’s nieces to stay to instruct the crowd on how to say Kamala’s name: “Comma” followed by a “la.”

The actress highlighted her supposedly modest background while also joining her Scandal co-star Tony Goldwyn—heir to Hollywood’s influential Goldwyn dynasty—to lead the convention in chanting, “When we fight, we win!”

Eva Longoria, star of ABC’s Desperate Housewives, returned to the DNC on Thursday after co-hosting the previous convention in 2020. She lauded Kamala Harris, describing her as coming from humble origins, despite Harris being born to elite college professor parents and growing up in an affluent Montreal neighborhood.

Longoria also led the convention in a new feminist and Spanglish rendition of “si se puede” (yes we can)—“she se puede.”

Actor-comedian D.L. Hughley used his stage time on Thursday to criticize former President Donald Trump, without once addressing any of Kamala Harris’s achievements since she assumed office in 2020.