Complete Rundown of States Seeking to Exclude Trump from the Ballot and Status of Legal Proceedings

Trump encounters candidacy hurdles across multiple states following his removal from Colorado’s 2024 primary ballot by the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

The Trump campaign intends to appeal this decision in Colorado, setting the stage for a potential U.S. Supreme Court intervention. Legal analysts suggest that, given the Supreme Court’s makeup—six Republican justices, including three appointed by Trump, and three Democrats—it may reverse the Colorado ruling.

In the pivotal swing state of Arizona, a challenge to Trump’s candidacy was brought forth by Republican presidential candidate John Castro. However, U.S. District Judge Douglas Rayes recently ruled that the challenge lacks “standing” as Castro is not seen as genuinely competing with Trump in the GOP primary.

Although Castro has initiated legal challenges against Trump in various states, his presidential campaign has struggled to gain traction.

“After careful consideration, the Court finds that this case must be dismissed for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction because Castro lacks standing to bring his claim,”Rayes’ ruling reads.

In a letter on Wednesday, California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis urged Secretary of State Shirley Weber to “examine all legal avenues” for excluding Trump from the ballot, referencing the Colorado case.

“California must stand on the right side of history,”Kounalakis wrote. “California is obligated to determine if Trump is ineligible for the California ballot for the same reasons described in [Anderson v. Griswold]. The Colorado decision can be the basis for a similar decision here in our state.”

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows is currently examining a case for Trump’s removal from the primary ballot. The anticipated decision, initially expected on Friday, faced delays due to the Colorado ruling and technical issues. The Portland Press Herald indicates that a decision is now expected next week.

In the battleground state of Michigan, a challenge to Trump’s candidacy was considered, but the Court of Appeals has permitted him to stay on the primary ballot, dismissing challenges to his candidacy.

The appeals court asserted that the Republican Party holds authority over primary ballot inclusion, irrespective of candidates’ qualifications. Nonetheless, the liberal organization Free Speech for the People has appealed the decision, potentially escalating the case to the Michigan Supreme Court.

In a parallel decision, Minnesota’s Supreme Court concluded that the Republican Party holds the authority to determine candidates on the primary ballot. Notably, the court acknowledged that plaintiffs retain the option to file a distinct challenge post the August 13 primary, particularly if Trump secures the nomination for the general election.

Efforts to exclude Trump from the Republican primary ballot faced a setback in Democratic Rhode Island. U.S. District Court Chief Judge John McConnell Jr. ruled that Castro failed to demonstrate being a “direct and current competitor” at the time of filing his complaint, thereby unable to establish injury.

Trump is encountering ballot challenges in numerous states, including Alaska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Vermont, and Virginia.

Additionally, Castro has retracted challenges in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Utah.