Candace Owens Dominates Rabbi Shmuley in Debate with Powerful Facts

Conservative commentator Candace Owens and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach faced off in an uncensored debate with Pierce Morgan on Wednesday evening, generating considerable buzz on social media.

The debate, which had been two years in the making, covered topics such as the Israel-Hamas conflict, the black community, and antisemitism. During the discussion, Boteach launched personal attacks on Owens, referring to her as “Klandace” and “Candace Ovens” and labeling her as one of the most anti-black and antisemitic figures in the country.

In his opening remarks, Boteach took issue with Owens’ claim of being a Christian, asserting instead that he was “the second coming of Christ.”

Owens responded with what many on social media described as a powerful rebuttal. She criticized Boteach’s mentor, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who advocated for Jewish supremacy, and supported her claims with factual evidence. Owens also described Boteach as “mentally unwell.”

“One of the things that plausibly unites people across all religions—Muslims, Jews, Christians—is that we all recognize that Rabbi Shmuley is unhinged. He’s just mentally, in my view, unwell. And I don’t say that as an attack; I say that as just a reality. Because I’ve never seen someone just make things up out of thin air that were never said and try to screen that as a defense of Black people.”

“The Black people will never accept Rabbi Shmuley after Michael Jackson put him on a list of people who he felt were ruining his life. So you can stop your pleas with Black America; they won’t work.”

During the debate, Owens expressed her discomfort as a Christian with the number of bombs dropped on Gaza and the 18,000 Palestinian children who had been killed.

In a moment described by social media as powerful, she also quoted Revelation 3:9.

“Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews are not and do lie… and I’m speaking directly to YOU Rabbi Shmuley,” she said.

During the debate, Boteach struggled to address questions about the Israel-Hamas war, leading Morgan to repeatedly steer him back on topic.

Afterwards, Boteach took to X to criticize both Owens and Morgan. He alleged that Owens had unfairly used her laptop for reference, which he claimed was “illegal,” and accused Morgan of bias, saying that his favoritism toward Owens damaged his “credibility as a journalist.”

Boteach also contended that Owens could have easily answered his questions using Google, labeling her approach as “deceptive.”

“I’ve done thousands of debates in my life and this is the first time I’ve ever seen such treachery. The producers allowed it and never informed me, making the debate a farce, and I still pulverized her,” he wrote in one of his posts.