Bill Clinton Aligns with NY Governor Hochul, Advocating for Migrants to ‘Commence Employment, Contribute to Taxes, and Sustain Themselves’

In a departure from some prominent figures within the Democratic Party, former President Bill Clinton has voiced his support for migrants straining services in New York City, urging them to “commence employment, contribute to taxes, and sustain themselves.”

The former President, who resides in the city, echoed the sentiments of New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul, characterizing the influx of undocumented immigrants as a “crisis.”

Clinton, who calls New York City his home, has aligned himself with Hochul and Adams in their call for a revision of New York City’s long-standing “Right to Shelter Law.”

This law, as highlighted by Fox News, has been a fixture in the city for more than four decades, mandating shelter provisions for the homeless population. Notably, New York City has declared itself both an asylum and sanctuary city.

The former President told radio host John Catsimatidis of 77 WABC “The Cats Roundtable,” show: “Gov. [Kathy] Hochul thinks [the “Right to Shelter” law] should be modified, and it probably should under the circumstances.”

“It’s broken. We need to fix it,” Clinton added. “[The law] doesn’t make any sense.”

Clinton expressed disapproval of the existing system that poses challenges for undocumented immigrants to promptly obtain a work permit. The current regulations, initially intended to regulate and control immigration numbers into the city, have become strained due to policies promoting open borders pushed by the Biden administration.

As a consequence, New York City authorities find themselves in a state of urgency, seeking ways to secure the necessary funding to support the living expenses of undocumented immigrants, which amounts to billions of dollars.

Clinton told Catsimatidis: “They come here, and we’re supposed to shelter people who can’t get work permits for six months. We need to change that,” and find ways for “migrants…to begin paying their way.”

“They ought to work,” Clinton added. “They need to begin working, paying taxes, and paying their way. Most of these people have no interest in being on welfare.”

The former President also offered a recommendation to deter immigrants from journeying to New York.

“We should build more housing just over the Rio Grande, and Mexico, I think, would support that,” Clinton suggested. “Keep people there, and let them in as quickly as possible if they are going someplace where we know they can get a job and they’ll be welcome.”

The politically astute statesman pointed out that immigration issues could prove advantageous for the Republicans as the 2024 election draws near.

Regarding the challenges linked to undocumented immigration in New York City, Clinton remarked, “The Democrats suffered losses in New York due to the public’s response to the crime issues here and a lack of a sensible approach to addressing migrants.”