Biden Responds to Concerns on Age: Trump Makes Gaffes, But ‘It’s the Age of Your Ideas That Matters’

In a recent interview on NBC’s “Late Night,” President Joe Biden addressed concerns about his age. He pointed out that former President Donald Trump, who is the same age as him, struggles to recall his wife’s name, highlighting the importance of the age of one’s ideas. When asked by host Seth Meyers how he plans to address voters’ concerns about his age leading up to the 2024 election, Biden responded by emphasizing the significance of the age of one’s ideas.

Biden responded, “Well, a couple of things: Number one, you’ve got to take a look at the other guy. He’s about as old as I am, but he can’t even remember his wife’s name, number one. Number two, it’s about how old your ideas are. Look, this is a guy who wants to take us back. He wants to take us back on Roe v. Wade. He wants to take us back on a whole range of issues that are, 50, 60 years they’ve been solid American positions. And I really mean this sincerely, I think it’s about the future, and everything, every single thing we’ve done — and I think we’ve gotten some good things done — everything — and they told us we couldn’t get them done because things were so divided and — but I think everything we’ve gotten done, he’s firmly stated, he wants to do away with if he gets elected. And I really think his views on where to take America are older than — anyway I don’t want to get [unintelligible].”