Americans Express Gratitude to Trump for Safe Return from Israel During Times of Conflict

Donald Trump, the former President, inked the Abraham Accords on September 15, 2020, marking one of the final major foreign policy achievements of his initial term in office.

The Western Journal characterized the Abraham Accords as a ‘landmark peace initiative in which Israel and the UAE committed to normalizing relations.’

On Tuesday, Yitz Friedman, a member of the Washington-based American Accountability Foundation, expressed his gratitude to the former President, suggesting that the Abraham Accord agreement may have played a pivotal role in safeguarding his life.

Friedman’s statement coincided with a U.S. report indicating that 22 American civilians lost their lives in Israel since the Hamas attack that occurred on Saturday morning.

Friedman was in southern Israel on a mission when Hamas initiated an unexpected attack. An Israeli organization revealed that the death toll has exceeded 1,200, with around 200 individuals unaccounted for (approximately 70 of whom are confirmed to have been abducted), and 2,300 people sustaining injuries.

Fortunately, both Friedman and his wife emerged unharmed from the situation, mainly due to their ability to travel to a secure nation through the Abraham Accord.

Friedman also noted that intense rocket activity led to the cancellation of the majority of flights out of the country. The Times of Israel reported that rockets fired from the Gaza Strip had caused damage to the Tel Aviv airport and its runway.

“We [weren’t] sure what to do,” Friedman recounted. “Luckily, one [of] the few airlines still running flights is Emirates. My wife and I just flew from Tel Aviv – passing three or four armed military checkpoints to get to the airport – and are now safe in Dubai waiting for our connecting flight to the US.”

Friedman, who is an American citizen, detailed that if it weren’t for Trump’s efforts in laying the groundwork for the Abraham Accords, his journey to the United Arab Emirates would have been impossible.

As per The Western Journal, it was the Trump administration that facilitated the peace agreement between Israel and the two Arab nations.

The employee of the American Accountability Foundation, based in Washington, conveyed:

“If not for the Trump-Abraham Accords, this would be unthinkable. There would [have been] no flights from Israel to the UA. To be able to fly to a friendly Arab country when even American flights won’t dare, at a time of war, is miraculous.”

Friedman added: I would like to thank President Trump. After days of fear and anxiety in Israel, I am finally on my way home to the US. Almost every airline canceled all flights, including our flight home.