Allegations of Joe Biden Receiving $40,000 in Questionable Funds from His Brother in 2017, According to Comer

“In 2017, President Biden allegedly received $40,000 from his brother’s and sister-in-law’s bank account via a personal check, which House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has described as ‘laundered China money.’ Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, presented his discoveries in a video shared on X on Wednesday.

These revelations surfaced following Comer’s subpoena of personal and business bank records belonging to both James Biden and Hunter Biden, as part of his inquiry into the Biden family’s business transactions and potential presidential involvement, raising concerns about future blackmail from Beijing.”

“Remember when Joe Biden told the American people that his son didn’t make money in China? Well, not only did he lie about his son Hunter making money in China, but it also turns out that $40,000 in laundered China money landed in Joe Biden’s bank account in the form of a personal check,” Comer said. “And the Oversight Committee has it.”

Comer said Biden “benefited from his family’s shady deal” with Chinese Communist Party-linked CEFC.

Comer said the “money trail” began in July 2017 when Hunter Biden demanded a $10 million payment from a CEFC associate. In a WhatsApp message, he claimed “he was sitting with his father and that the Biden network would turn on his associate if he didn’t pony up the money,” Comer explained.

In a WhatsApp message, Hunter Biden purportedly informed a Chinese business associate affiliated with the Chinese energy company CEFC that he and his father would make sure the associate regretted not complying with his instructions. Hunter sought a $10 million wire transfer for his joint venture, SinoHawk Holdings, with CEFC.

“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter Biden told Henry Zhao, the director of Chinese asset management firm Harvest Fund Management. “And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.”

Zhao responded, in part, “CEFC is willing to cooperate with the family.”

Comer, in his video, said that Hunter’s “extortion scheme worked,” noting that just days later, $5 million “flowed in from a Chinese affiliate of CEFC.”

Referring to bank records acquired by Comer and his committee, he disclosed that on August 8, 2017, a sum of $5 million was transferred to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong. On the same day, Hudson West III sent $400,000 to Owasco, P.C., an independent entity under Hunter Biden’s control and ownership, as per Comer’s statement.

A few days later, on August 14, 2017, Hunter Biden initiated a $150,000 wire transfer to Lion Hall Group, a company owned by James Biden and his wife, Sara Biden. According to Comer, by August 28, 2017, Sara Biden had withdrawn $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall Group and subsequently deposited it into her and James Biden’s personal checking account.

“A few days later, Sara Biden cut a check to Joe Biden for $40,000,” Comer said, referring to the Sept. 3, 2017 check his committee obtained. “The memo line of the check said, ‘loan repayment.’”

Comer said that even if the check — which was 10% of the $400,000 sent to Hunter’s Owasco — was, in fact, a loan repayment, “it still shows how Joe benefited from his family cashing in on his name — with money from China no less.”

“Without his family peddling his name and his son threatening a CEFC associate with consequences that he said Joe Biden knew about, James wouldn’t have had the money to write the $40,000 check to his brother Joe,” Comer said, adding that the Biden family’s business with CEFC began while Joe Biden was serving as vice president.

“In taking funds sourced to a CCP-linked company that wanted to advance China’s interests, Joe Biden exposed himself to future blackmail and put America’s interests behind his own desire for money,” Comer said, vowing to “continue to follow the money” and to “hold President Biden accountable for his corruption.”

Simultaneously, the committee released its fourth memo on bank records on Wednesday, disclosing additional payments that have been “traced” from “Chinese companies to Joe Biden.”

To date, in the course of the committee’s investigation, Comer reported discovering that members of the Biden family, their business partners, and associated entities have received substantial payments from individuals and businesses in China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania.

According to Comer, the House Oversight Committee has uncovered that the Biden family and their business associates generated over $24 million from 2014 to 2019 by promoting Joe Biden as a global brand.

In a related development, last week, Comer revealed that his panel had found evidence of Joe Biden receiving a “$200,000 direct payment” in the form of a “personal check” from James Biden and Sara Biden in 2018, which was labeled as a “loan repayment.”

According to the White House, the committee’s findings indicate that, in his capacity as a private citizen, the president extended a personal loan to his brother when needed, and a review of bank records confirms that the loan was repaid.