A heartwarming tale unfolded in the Colorado mountains as a beloved Border Collie named Silky went missing for five nights, only to be joyfully reunited with her owner, Eric Erslev. The ordeal began when Silky got frightened by a sudden thunderclap during their hike and ran off, leaving Mr. Erslev unable to keep pace with her.
Filled with distress, Eric Erslev didn’t have to face the search alone as the community rallied around him, turning it into a collective effort. The Summit Lost Pet Rescue Group played a crucial role in this endeavor, dedicating their efforts to help find Silky.
Thanks to their diligent search, the furry friend was eventually located a few miles away from where she had disappeared originally, leading to an emotional reunion between Silky and her overjoyed owner.
“After spending 5 nights and 4 days in the backcountry, she found her bed at the Buffalo Mountain trailhead where she was seen this morning,” Erslev announced in post to his Facebook.
“2 hours later, Sami from the Lost Pets Rescue group found her a couple miles away at the Willowbrook trailhead, 3 lbs lighter and very tired but otherwise in good shape,” he added. “She is sleeping at my feet at I type this.”
After her ordeal, the tired canine showed signs of weariness but remained unharmed, which brought immense relief to her owner, Eric Erslev. When they were finally reunited, Erslev couldn’t help but notice the evident happiness on Silky’s face – she was smiling.
Upon seeing Silky’s fatigued state, Erslev was understandably concerned. However, Border Collies, known for their energetic and intelligent nature, proved to be remarkably resilient, and Silky quickly bounced back, much to her owner’s delight.
This heartwarming tale from the Colorado mountains serves as a powerful testament to the indomitable strength and determination of a lost dog’s will to survive.